- 00:03 @acco サーバメンテに費やすGW…。はい、泣いてもいいですw #
- 00:05 Chatting with a person in SF for business... #
- 00:17 [delicious] アルファブロガー受賞の産経新聞記者 阿比留氏に聞く: 同記事はニュースサイト「イザ!」内で公開されている記者ブログ「国を憂い、われとわが身を甘やかすの記」のエントリ tinyurl.com/c57uxf #
- 06:11 feeling dizzy... don't know why. #
- 06:25 @yagishita 何食か抜いたからみたいです。なので朝ご飯作ってますw #
- 10:28 Happy birthday, @edanuff & @capndesign! (according to @djacobs) #
- 10:57 うわ、この前廃業した酒屋さんがいま将に更地とならんとす #
- 11:11 @ikakiuchi 日経コンピュータがおしゃれバッグ!? #
- 11:15 Six Apart News: iPod shuffleが当たる!TypePad 春のブログスタートキャンペーンを実施します tinyurl.com/cae7es #
- 12:06 RT @sixapartkk: TypePad 春のブログスタートキャンペーン実施中!選べるデザイン350種類以上。 tinyurl.com/typepad-campaign #
- 14:29 広報ブログ: 【セミナーレポート】 不況の今こそ賢い選択! 圧倒的コストパフォーマンスのハイエンドCMS体感セミナーを開催しました tinyurl.com/d59czs #
- 17:12 AMNマーケティングセミナー。 @minako が偶然となりの席に #
- 17:15 AMN Seminar Keynote: Mr. Takahiro: nderstanding of the audience rather than that of the media #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:21 "Becoming an acceptable advertising" #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:22 From "Impression and Reach" to "Acceptance and Relavancy" #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:33 Emobile is too slow to get a web site for the seminar, because quite a few people of the audience are probably using Emobile #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:34 Takahiro-san introduced Blyk - at Digital Garage seminar last year, he was at a panel discussion with Blyk's Director #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:35 That Blyk's director's father is the Finish President and Nobel Prize laureate... #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:38 From segmentation ("demographic") to connection ("tribe"). A tribe can be connected to other tribes to a bigger tribe. #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:41 So that "media planning" to "scenario planning": Do not focus on media but scenario planning: #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:43 "From impressive advertising to motivating advertising" - you need to become a scenario planner #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:45 Don't distinguish online from offline: advertising becoming from "between content" to "between consumers" #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:52 @noritakahiro Thanks for the keynote. Your keynote is being livetwitter'ed with #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 17:56 And other livetwittering on @noritakahiro 's keynote speech at an AMN Seminar can be found using Twitter Search tinyurl.com/cdf922 #
- 18:00 こういうマーケティング系セミナーでパソコンを開いている人をみると、Windows率が激高。Macなのは講師の @noritakahiro と隣でSkypeチャットしている @minako ぐらいだw #
- 18:14 AMN Seminar 6: 2nd speech by Deguchi-san, President of Life Net Insurance #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:16 AMN Seminar 6: 2nd speech by Deguchi-san, President of Lifenet Insurance www.lifenet-seimei.co.jp/ #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:29 Deguchi-san "Important is keeping following people even after sales. Ad is for keep conversation with customers" #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:50 All inquiries from the corporate web site have been answered by President Deguchi of Lifenet Insurance. 100%, Wow! #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:52 AMN Seminar 6: Toshiba's social media marketing cases by Arai-san #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:55 GREE is the first SNS who responed positively to Toshiba's request that "Toshiba Dog" be for an official character and avatar #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 18:57 Toshiba's internal concern about "Toshiba Dog"But after the coverage by Nikkei, many starterd support the project #AMN_Seminar6 #
- 19:10 @noritakahiro 最後は経営者の経営理念だよね。いくらメディアをコントロールしても、ここは飾れないからね! #
- 19:37 わたしは2年連続、率先してエイプリルフールの準備に余念がなかった経営者です #
- 19:48 エノテーカ・ピンキオーリのウリは「クーポンでおトク!」 nseki.tumblr.com/post/96424757 #
- 19:49 @shike 場所が決まったらTwitterします! #
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