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[this is good] Oh boy. **embarrassed**

I'm glad they didn't make me do any stunts. Or maybe there's some creative editing. :)

Nob Seki

Hee hee. I really look forward to watching the program!


Hmm, I read it describing Randy as a "founder" of "a famous blogging comunity"? A bit hilarious :)

Nob Seki

At least the director of the program, who met with Randy, wanted to get pics of Ben and Mena as "co-founders", so the program should reflect the truth (hopefully). Sorry, Randy ;-p


Ugh, noes!!! I hope they get other facts straight! :)

Nob Seki

Hah, we'll see soon!


Did it air?

Nob Seki

Not yet. It will air Saturday night here.

Nob Seki

It finally aired, and you look so good - it was a nice program.

I watched it just before I left home for SF - sorry I did not have time to burn it. If you did not check out, I will have someone bring a DVD to SF.


Oh sweet! Looking forward to seeing how it turned out. :) Were the translations OK?


How can you burn this show to DVD? It is a BS program with "copy once" DRM shit ... right?

Nob Seki

"Copy-once" system allows the program on HDD to "move" to such as DVD if DVD medium supports DRM.


Ah, that CPRM stuff ... I heard it doesn't work with Mac DVD drives.


hi randy!

how are you? im a directer of that tv program.


Hi! I am well. Just returning to San Francisco from some travels. Thanks for letting me be in your television program!


HI Taro! This user who had seen your program registered in Vox. Thanks for making good program. ;)
