Ryuhei Kawada, a famous activitist for human rights, came over and stayed at my place last night. This morning we discussed journalism, blogging and other things. He said many of his supporters and, thus, subscribers to his publishing, are elder people so that he needs to publish printed version of his reports
But his also teaches at Matsumoto University interacting with many young people. He told me a very interesting story, which is that when students need to create reports and/or thesises, some of them drafts such reports using mobile phones, and email drafts to their Internet emai accounts, and copy and paste on to their Word, and finish printing. They clearly think that writing on the mobile phone is faster/easier than typing over PC... Amazing!
Anyway, it is always nice talking with people like Ryuhei, because these people always give me a new view and insights, which really help me think of many things. Cool!